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The calkit.yaml file

The calkit.yaml file serves as a small "database" for the project's important metadata, which includes its:

  • Global or system-level dependencies (applications, libraries, environmental variables)
  • Questions the project seeks to answer
  • Environments
  • Datasets
  • Figures
  • Publications (journal articles, conference papers, presentations, posters)
  • Procedures
  • References
  • Subprojects (smaller projects executed as part of the main project)
  • Calculations (ways to make predictions with the results)
  • App (a way to allow users to interact with the results)

Objects can be imported from other projects, which produces a chain of reference to allow tracking reuse and reduce redundant storage.


The project showcase is a list of elements that best represent the project, shown on the project homepage on the Calkit Cloud web app. For example:

  - text: Here is some text.
  - figure: figures/my-figure.png
  - text: There is a figure above.
  - markdown: "### This is a Markdown heading"
  - publication: paper/paper.pdf

This project has a showcase that includes Plotly figures saved as JSON, which render interactively.