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A computational environment describes the necessary conditions for code to run properly. Ensuring that every stage in your pipeline is run within a defined environment is a great way to improve reproducibility.

Calkit provides a means for defining or declaring environments in a project. There is also a command line utility calkit xenv for executing a command in one of these, which ensures that the environment matches its specification before execution.

Environment types and definitions

Calkit supports defining and running code in these environment types:

Environment definitions live in the project's calkit.yaml file in the environments section. Most environments will have a path property pointing to a file that lists the necessary dependencies. For example, a Python virtual environment or "venv" can be defined as a simple list of dependencies in a requirements.txt file, which might look like:


Checking, syncing, and executing

A command can be executed in an environment with:

calkit xenv --name {env-name} -- {command}

Before the command is executed, Calkit will check that the environment matches its specification, and if it needs to be updated, that will be done before execution. Typically this will produce a "lock file" describing the exact dependencies that made it into that environment to help with diagnosing reproducibility issues down the road.

Choosing an environment type

So which type of environment should you use? The short answer is: any. Any environment is better than none, where none means installing dependencies in the global host machine environment. If you want the long answer, keep reading.

Docker is probably the most reproducible out of any environment type, since a Docker image includes information about the operating system. If it's convenient, e.g., if an image already contains all the necessary dependencies, go with a Docker environment. However, in some cases Docker may be a bit heavier than necessary.

If you're running Python code, a uv-venv environment is a good default choice. uv is very easy to install and very fast.

If you have non-Python dependencies that depend on complex compiled binaries (as scientific and engineering oriented tooling often does) and a uv-venv can't be built on your machine, A Conda environment is a good choice. However, Pixi has access to the same packages and is a bit faster. It's sort of like uv for Conda packages, and is similarly very easy to install.

If you're working on a machine for which you don't have control to install dependencies, or working as part of a team, a plain old Python venv could be the best option.

Again, try not to get too hung up on the decision of which environment type to use. Try one and see how it goes. Calkit should make the experience similar for all types.


Creating any type of environment from the Calkit CLI follows a similar pattern starting with calkit new. You can view the help output with calkit new --help and filter it down to environment-related commands with calkit new --help | grep env.


A new Docker environment can be added to the project with calkit new docker-env. A Docker environment can use an existing image, e.g., from Docker Hub, or it can create a new image, e.g., from a Dockerfile stored in the project repo.

Let's say you want to add an OpenFOAM environment to your project. This can be achieved with something like:

calkit new docker-env --image microfluidica/openfoam:2412 --name foam

Then you can run a command in that environment with:

calkit xenv -n foam -- icoFoam -help

You can similarly jump into an interactive bash terminal with:

calkit xenv -n foam bash

But what if there isn't an image out there that has everything you need already installed into it? In this case, you can define and build a new derived image in the project by using the --from parameter, optionally adding predefined "layers" to the image with --add-layer. This will produce a Dockerfile defining the image, and when that environment is run with calkit xenv, that image will be built and a lock file produced.

For example, running:

calkit new docker-env \
    --from microfluidica/openfoam:2412 \
    --name foam2 \
    --add-layer miniforge

will create a Dockerfile in the project and add the environment named foam2 to the calkit.yaml file. Calling calkit xenv -n foam2 bash will cause the image to be built and a lock file Dockerfile-lock.json to be created. Note that the Dockerfile path can be controlled with the --path option.

You can go in and modify the Dockerfile, e.g., to add more installation commands, and another call to calkit xenv -n foam2 will kick off a rebuild automatically, since the lock file will no longer match the Dockerfile.

If you're copying local files into the Docker image, you can declare these dependencies in the environment definition so the content of those will be tracked as well:

# In calkit.yaml
    kind: docker
    image: foam2
      - src/mySolver.C

This highlights Calkit's declarative design philosophy. Simply declare the environment and use it in a pipeline stage and Calkit will ensure it is built and up to date. There is no need to think about building images as a separate step.


To create a new uv virtual environment, inside a project directory run something like:

calkit new uv-venv -n my-env "polars>=1.0" matplotlib

This will create a new uv virtual environment called my-uv-env defined in requirements.txt (changeable with the --path option), with the packages installed under a folder .venv.

You can then run a command in this environment, and since it doesn't exist yet, will be created and a file requirements-lock.txt will be created.

calkit xenv -n my-env python -c "import matplotlib, print(matplotlib.__version__)"

If you were to run something like:

calkit xenv -n my-env python -c "import pandas, print(pandas.__version__)"

it would fail, since pandas is not present in requirements.txt. However, if you add it in there, calling the above command again will succeed thanks to Calkit automatically syncing the environment before execution. The requirements-lock.txt file will also be updated.


A venv environment, which uses Python's built-in venv module, can be used nearly identically to the uv example above. Simply replace uv-venv with venv in the calkit new call.


As you might expect, Conda environments again work nearly identically to uv-venv and venv environments.

You can create a new Conda environment with something like:

calkit new conda-env -n my-conda-env numpy matplotlib --pip pandas

Note that in this case, we specified one package, pandas, to be installed from the Python Package Index (PyPI) with pip using the --pip option.

The new Conda environment spec will be written to environment.yml by default, which can be controlled with the --path option.

Similar to other environment types, any time a command is executed with calkit xenv, this environment will be checked and created or updated as necessary.


calkit xenv -n my-conda-env -- which python

will create it. If you add any dependencies to environment.yml, calling that same command will cause the environment to be rebuilt before execution, and an updated environment-lock.yml file will be created. Again this highlights Calkit's declarative design philosophy. Declare the environment and what command should be executed inside, and Calkit will handle the rest.


It's possible to define a remote environment that uses ssh to connect and run commands, and scp to copy files back and forth. This could be useful, e.g., for running one or more pipeline stages on a high performance computing (HPC) cluster, or simply offloading some work to a virtual machine in the cloud with specialized hardware like a more powerful GPU.

It is assumed that dependencies on the remote machine are managed separately.

An SSH environment defined in calkit.yaml looks like:

    kind: ssh
    host: ""
    user: my-user-name
    wdir: /home/my-user-name/calkit/example-ssh
    key: ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
      - results

In the example above, we define an environment called cluster, where we specify the host IP address, our username on that machine, the working directory, the path to an SSH key on our local machine (so we can connect without a password), which paths we want to send before executing commands, and which we want to copy back after they finish. Wildcards in paths are supported, so the entire directory could be copied if desired by specifying *.

To register an SSH key with the host, use ssh-copy-id. For example:

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 my-user-name@

To execute a command in this environment, we can add a stage like this to our DVC pipeline in dvc.yaml:

    cmd: calkit xenv -n cluster bash
      - results